A pleasant surprise awaited us at the beach - the usual mountain of plastic we witness over the winter months was nowhere to be seen! This meant we could focus our attention on the little bits this time round, thoroughly digging into the rocks and pebbles to get at those nasty bottle caps and other marine life-threatening bits and pieces.

Photo by Chris Cachia Zammit
We also took the opportunity to collect signatures for the Surfrider's 'Rise Above Plastics' campaign, bringing attention to the volumes of plastic waste dumped in our seas and oceans. Our young eco-hero Miguel charmed his way across the beach enthusiastically sharing our initiative with the all sunbathers who were quick to add their names to the list.

A nice relaxing evening followed where most of the gang chilled by the water soaking up the last of the warm spring sun. A huge thank you goes out to all who participated - we hope to see you guys again at the next clean up!

Photo by Chris Cachia Zammit
Check out how the other clean ups around Europe went here: