Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Clean Up

We're happy to report that the beach and the surrounding area was cleaner than we've ever seen it! 

From clean ups which brought in up to 30 bags of rubbish about 3 years ago, we've slowly watched the litter diminish to days like today when only 4 bags or so were filled - and that's including a tour of the car park too! Knowing that people are respecting the land so much more nowadays feels pretty damn good. 

Well, it may be time to spread our wings to different areas of the island in search of places in greater need...

Any suggestions? Do let us know; drop us a line at or add us on Facebook.

Thanks to everyone who turned up today, despite the wind and the rain ~

Stay tuned for the next one :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Return of the Clean ups

Where: Għajn Tuffieħa

When: Sunday, 28th Oct from 2 - 5pm

For more details check out our Facebook event.

As always, bags and gloves will be provided. However, we do recommend you bring your own gardening/heavy duty gloves if you can.

Catch you on the sand!

Where is Malta ~ the beach.

Check out this short video made by some of our volunteers; thanks guys!