Friday, July 6, 2012

Corona Extra saves the beach

That's Rubbish was sent out to clean the beach voted dirtiest by all of you! A SAVE THE BEACH initiative sponsored by Corona Extra. The beach ironically enough voted the filthiest was Pretty Bay in Birzebbugia.

Yup, we sure did put the Pretty back in the bay so here's a cheers to all the pretty ears who heard our shout out for volunteers at Corona Extra Malta Save The Beach cleanup @ Pretty Bay The Bay.

The amount of cigarette butts in the sand was INTENSE! Put your BUTT'S OUT in a responsible place. Each cigarette BUTT takes 12 YEARS to decompose, each one of those years toxins are released into the enviornment. Serious Stuff. Start with where you Stand. Roger.

Thanks to the Save the Beach initiative for taking the time out to give our beaches some much needed attention!

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